Position: Seated, legs flexed, knees lateral, soles of feet placed together, and hands on ankles.Īction: Slowly bend trunk forward and grasp ankles flex trunk and hold for 10 seconds or more, as prescribed. Starting positions, move.” (Seated, legs flexed, knees lateral, soles of feet together, hands on ankles) “Ready, exercise.” (lean forward ) “Recover.” (Jump up and run in place) It is a non-cadence, non-repetitious exercise.
“Class, the second exercise of the day is the modified Indian Curl. Purpose: Exercise focuses on stretching the low back (lumbar sacral area) and back of legs (hamstring – between knee and hip) the primary effort is an anterior flexion. Position: Seated, legs extended, feet together, hands on quadriceps.Īction: Slowly bend trunk forward and reach arms to toes or beyond hold for 10 seconds or more, as prescribed. Starting positions, move.” (Seated, legs extended, feet together, hands on quads) “ Ready, exercise.” (hands to toes) “Recover.” (Jump up and run in place) “Class, the first exercise of the day is the seated toe-touch.